
Cucumber Beith Alph
( gr.)

-Suitable for open field farming. -The length of the fruit is 16-18cm and its calibre is 4cm. -Efficiency variance is high and shelf-life is long. -Adaptaon level is high. -You get efficiency in 55-60 days

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Cucumber Beith Alpha F
( gr.)

-You get efficiency in 45-55 days. -Its fruit has a high quality. -Durable for ashing and virus. -The length of the fruit is 15-17c

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Cucumber Akgen F1
( gr.)

-It gives a yield in 45-55 days. -The fruit has a cylindrical and smooth shape. -Durable for ashing and virüs. -Highly producve and high-quality. -Shelf-life is long and durable for shipping

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Cucumber (Pickle) King
( gr.)

-Suitable for open field farming. -Suitable for pickling and a type of midearly thorny cucumber. -Its fruit is cylindrical and smooth. -Highly producve and high-quality.

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Cucumber Zeus 01F-Ak1
( gr.)

-It has a mid-strong nature. -It becomes 15-17cm. -It has a perfect fruit quality. -No rancidity. -suitable for spring and early autumn and open field farming

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Cucumber Ventura 01F-Ak-1
( gr.)

-A type of Beith Alpha -Fruit length is 14-16cm.No rancidity. -Shelf-life is long.Fruit is shiny, green and smooth. -Durable for mildew(DM) and ashing(PM). -Very early and Suitable for spring, summer and early autumn sowing and open field farming.

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Cucumber Kleopatra 01F-Ak1 (Stick)
( gr.)

-Suitable for greenhouse cultivation. -Plant is quite strong and closed. Male flower and it doesn't blossom. -Suitable for summer,spring and autumn sowing. -In every inter node there are 2-3 fruits. -Fruits are 17-18cm and they are shiny green. -Durable against mosaic virus(CMV), ashing and yellow vein virus (CVYV).

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